Residential arm style swing gate operator with battery backup systemUpdated unit complies with new UL325 code revised Aug 2018
System now requires monitored secondary entrapment devices
unit will include LMRRU safety photo eyeincludes one LA500 arm control box with batteries,receiver unit and photo eyeFor dual gates order extra la500dcs secondary armThe LiftMaster LA500 has a powerful 24VDC continuous-duty motor.
The LA500 is capable of operating gates up to 18 ft. long or weighing up to 1,200 lbs,
and is compact enough to fit where pad mount operators do not.
comes with Liftmaster 850Lm receiver,
Use 890max,893max,892LT or 894LT remotes not included
Requires 828LM Internet gateway to connect to internet or smart phone
For dual gates order extra la500dcs secondary arm
Download Liftmaster La500 Brochure